The Food and Drugs Authority has cautioned the public against drinking water with high alkaline levels stating that it is unsafe.
In a statement, the FDA said it had sighted a promotional video on social media arguing that water with higher pH levels [alkalinity] was better for one’s health and prevented heart disease.
The FDA noted that the pH of drinking water according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), CODEX and the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) should be between 6.5 and 8.5.
“This means that any water with the pH outside this range is not suitable for drinking,” the statement added.
The FDA stressed that there was “no documented peer review evidence which has been internationally accepted and endorsed by the WHO and the Medical Community indicating that water of a more alkaline nature impacts good health better than other drinking water.”
The FDA added that it has it founded any drinking water on the market with unacceptable pH levels following its surveillance.
Find the full statement below
By: Delali Adogla-Bessa/