Residents of Asufu, Watchman, Adomako, Nkrankrom and Konto in the Sunyani municipality are calling on city authorities and the Assembly to immediately remove the regional waste disposal site from their area.
The disposal site is too close to a stream which serves as the communities’ only source of drinking water for over 6,000 people.
This, they say, is to save them from a looming health disaster following the leakage liquid waste from the site.
The residents say they have no access to neither pipe nor borehole water.
Citi News’ tour of the area, revealed that the waste drains directly into the stream which is the only source of water for residents.
Mr. Victor Akuliga, the Assemblyman for the area, said inasmuch as the dumping site was important to the municipality, the health of residents was equally important and should be considered.
He said the area has over 6000 residents depending on the Sunyani stream as their only source of water for survival.
“The areas have grown due to its proximity to the capital, and I’m afraid if an epidemic strikes, the consequences will be huge”, he observed.
Mr. Akuliga lamented that all his efforts to get potable water for the people had not been responded to by the authorities.
Nana Oboaman Bofotia Boaponsem, the Krontihene of the Sunyani traditional area, supported the call for the relocation and called for proper management of the site in the meantime.
He said the site was not adequately managed and therefore they cannot wait for disaster to strike.
Attempts to get a response from city authorities on the matter proved futile.
By: Mashould Kombat | | Ghana