The Ranking Member on Parliament’s Education Committee, Peter Nortsu –Kotoe, is demanding an apology from officials of the Ghana Education Service (GES) and Ministry of Education for what he calls the incompetent manner in which placement into Senior High Schools has been handled this year.
The Akatsi North MP said such chaos should not have occurred at all if the managers of the Computerized School Selection and Placement System had done their work well.
In a Citi News interview, the legislator said the GES and Ministry of Education must urgently put in place measures to address the many challenges parents are confronted with over this year’s Senior High School placements.
“It is the outcome of improper planning on the part of those who are responsible for the computerized placement. I don’t think that if they had done their work well, this situation would have arisen….It is a system failure on the part of the management of the CSSPS and they must accept their failures and apologize to parents and Ghanaians for the incompetent manner in which they have carried out the exercise,” he said.
Peter Nortsu –Kotoe added that, “the way forward is for the Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service to make sure that adequate steps are taken to alleviate the challenges parents are confronted with.”
In the past few days, thousands have thronged the make-shift solution centre created by the Education Ministry to resolve the numerous challenges encountered with the search for a place in a Senior High School under the Computerised Schools Selection and Placement System (CSSPS).
As Senior High schools reopen this week, a number of the students who qualified have not yet been placed by the Computerised Placement System for varying reason prompting renewed criticism of the process.
Others who were also placed want new placements.