Parents and students who visited the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) at the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) Hall last week to have their grievances resolved are yet to have the challenges addressed.
The Ghana Education Service a week ago set up resolution centers to address issues associated with the placement system.
But on Monday, April 4, 2022, there was a mad rush at the GNAT hall as parents struggled with the process.
Hundreds of parents were forced to go home without having their concerns addressed.
“So many people are complaining. The challenge is that the system has messed things up. The frustration is unbearable”, one of them lamented.
The concerns included the change of school and program, wrong placement, no placement, and issues relating to day and boarding placements.
Another parent said, “my ward got a single aggregate of 9, and looking at this, he is supposed to get the first choice, but he was placed in his fourth choice. As we speak, he is still in the house.”
Other parents want the Ghana Education Service to resolve their concerns immediately.
The Ministry of Education has urged the public to remain calm as the resolution centers across the country will be opened beyond the April 4 date to serve qualified Senior High School candidates with issues relating to their placements.
Some affected students expressed their frustrations with the process.
“The system has become difficult. I was placed in a school in the Eastern Region that I didn’t select, and it’s a day school. I don’t know if I should reconsider writing the BECE.”
“I tried my best to get my placement. I didn’t get any school, and I think it’s because of the system. It’s been really frustrating”, one other student cried out.
Parents and guardians pleaded with the Ministry to push the date forward to allow them to prepare adequately for their wards as they enter their second cycle of education. The Ministry however insisted on the date.
This has somewhat brought some form of fear and panic to those who have not been placed. The ministry has however called for calm.
A call center with a toll-free number, 0302987654 has also been set up to address related concerns.