Apple Christmas sales surge to $111 billion amid pandemic
Apple sales have hit another record, as families loaded up on the firm's latest phones, laptops and gadgets during the ...
Apple sales have hit another record, as families loaded up on the firm's latest phones, laptops and gadgets during the ...
Apps on all of Apple's app stores will now have to show much more detail about what data they collect ...
Apple has revealed its first Mac computers powered by chips of its own design. In June, the company announced it ...
Apple has delayed the implementation of new privacy measures designed to stop apps and websites tracking people online without their ...
Tech giant Apple has become the first US company to be valued at $2tn (£1.5tn) on the stock market. It ...
It took Apple 42 years to reach $1 trillion in value. It took it just two more years to get to $2 ...
Fortnite-maker Epic Games is taking legal action against Google after being banned from the Google Play app store, hours after ...
The coronavirus crisis might be causing widespread economic upheaval around the world, but the world's biggest tech firms are thriving. ...
The heads of some of the world's biggest tech companies have appeared before Washington lawmakers to defend their firms against ...
It’s no secret that Apple is going to announce its move from Intel chip to its own ARM-based processors for ...
Apple and Google are partnering to help authorities track exposure to the coronavirus using Bluetooth technology. The two Silicon Valley ...
After the shutdown, the testing and tracing. “Trace, test and treat is the mantra … no lockdowns, no roadblocks and ...
France's competition authority has imposed a record €1.1bn (£1bn; $1.2bn) fine on US tech giant Apple for what it sees ...
Apple's chief executive Tim Cook said the company would open its first physical stores in India in 2021 and an ...
Apple could be forced to abandon its Lightning connector cable if European lawmakers get their way. The cable is used ...
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