Many drivers unintentionally exceed the speed limit, often without realizing it. Drivers are responsible for the speeds at which they choose to drive, but there are some simple and practical things drivers who find it difficult to stay within speed limits can do to help themselves.
Check your speedometer regularly:
Modern cars are so powerful and comfortable they give drivers little sensation of their speed, so many drivers find themselves exceeding the speed limit without realizing it. The only way to be sure of your speed, and to check you have reduced to an appropriate speed is to check the car’s speedometer regularly. You may be able to improve your judgement of it by regularly comparing how fast you think you are driving with what the speedometer says.
Know the limits:
Speed limit signs tend to be placed at junctions because this is often the point at which the limit changes.
However, junctions are also where you need to absorb a wide range of different information and it is easy to miss a speed limit sign when concentrating on one or more other things. If you are not sure, assume the limit is lower until you see a sign.
Assume lamp posts mean 30 mph until signs say otherwise
When driving on built-up roads, assume the limit is 30 mph until you see a sign saying otherwise. But, remember the limit could be lower – 20 mph.
Speed limits are a maximum not a target
Speed limits set the maximum speed for that road. However, there are many circumstances when it is not safe to drive at that speed. Examples of situations where drivers should drive at lower speeds than the limits are:
• Around schools at opening and closing times
• On busy, narrow roads
• Where parked vehicles reduce the width of the road
• In poor weather or reduced visibility
Source: Accra Metropolitan Assembly [AMA] and the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety