Arinzechukwu Owu, a student of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has emerged overall winner at the just ended Speedcubing competition held at the Al-Ryan International School on Sunday, February 9.

The second edition of the contest which was organized by Edulearn Ghana was to build the logical capacity of participants in the country and beyond.
In all, 83 participants representing 16 different nationalities, from 10 schools around Ghana took part in the contest.
The participants competed in eight different events including the famous 3 by 3, 2 by 2, amongst other ones.
Speedcubing is a sport that involves solving a variety of twisty puzzles with the most famous being the 3 by 3 puzzle or the Rubik’s cube as quickly as possible.
Each participant has five chances to compete in any of the challenges, where an average score of five is rated to proceed to the next level.
The Director for Edulearn Ghana, Pooja Gokaldas said that the competition has led to the logical growth of participants, especially amongst the children.
“The major response I get is that the kids have given up their gadgets, the kids’ concentration have gone up, special awareness, logical reasoning, colour identification has improved. And I think also it’s a game of excitement, a game of speed. It’s like a brain game, and you are pushing your brain faster in solving issues.”
In this view, the Ambassador for Hungary to Ghana, Andras Szabio entreated all parents to get their children enrolled in the program.
“If you are queuing up in traffic, there are guys in the traffic selling cubes, so everybody can buy it and you can buy it for very little money. Of course, it can be involved in schools but I recommend that everyone can have one and parents should give it to their kids.”
At the end of the two-day contest, Arinzechukwu Owu after winning the best contestant in five categories was awarded the coveted award of being the overall best.
He was awarded plaques and an HP laptop.