The Kumasi High Court has directed Alexander Kwabena Sarfo-Kantanka, the unsuccessful nominee for the position of Juaben Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), to present his defence.
Mr Sarfo-Kantanka is accused of 26 counts of corruption, allegedly for distributing bribes to local assembly members to secure their approval as MCE of Juaben, following his nomination by President Akufo-Addo.
The Office of the Special Prosecutor initiated an investigation into these allegations after a video surfaced online showing Mr Sarfo-Kantanka demanding a refund of the money he allegedly paid to the assembly members.
This was supposed to expedite his approval, which was denied for the second time.
The full trial against Mr Sarfo-Kantanka began in the Kumasi High Court on October 20, 2022.
In an update posted in December of the previous year, the Office of the Special Prosecutor announced that the prosecution had concluded its case after calling six witnesses during the trial.
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